What You Need to Know About Nebraska’s Inheritance Tax – Updated!

Nebraska is still one of very few states that has an inheritance tax. However, the Nebraska Legislature has made some recent changes to the laws concerning inheritance tax.

For persons dying on or after January 1, 2023, the exemption amount has increased, and the tax rate has decreased for …

What is the Medicaid Spend Down Required to Enter a Nursing Home in Nebraska?

What is Medicaid Spend Down??

“To be eligible for Medicaid long term care, an applicant must have income and assets under a specified amount. If the applicant’s income or countable assets exceed Medicaid’s financial limits in their state, an applicant can become eligible by ‘spending down’ one’s income or …

The SECURE Act and How it Effects Beneficiaries

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act, or the SECURE Act, was passed in December 2019.  Since being signed into law, the SECURE Act has had a significant impact on Americans’ retirement benefits and long-term retirement savings.  This Act, most importantly, has had a major effect on …