Why Do Personal Injury Claims Seem to Take So Long?

A personal injury claim is a multifunctional claim that covers more than just the injury at the time of the accident. The damages for a personal injury claim can include personal property, the injury at the time of the accident, ongoing medical care of the accident-related injuries, lost wages, and loss of enjoyment of life. A personal injury claim can also include damages sustained by the injured person’s spouse, such as loss of support and loss of services.

In order for many of these damages to be fully quantified, the injured party must typically have completed treating the accident-related injury. Treatment can often involve multiple doctors and medical professionals and treatment can take many months. Waiting for treatment to be over ensures all medical bills and all missed worked are included in the claim. It also ensures that the client and attorney have a full understanding of how the accident-related injury impacted the injured party’s life and the life of his/her spouse.

This does NOT mean you should wait to engage a personal injury attorney. You should hire a personal injury attorney as soon as practicable. They will help you through the process and ensure everything possible is done to get you the best settlement available. If the length of time it takes to settle a personal injury claim is off-putting, just know that taking the time will only benefit you in the long run. Please contact the personal injury attorneys at Berkshire & Burmeister for specific questions and recommendations regarding your potential personal injury claim.

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