Parents: Changes May Impact What You Pay for Your Children’s Health Care Expenses

The Nebraska, Child Support Guidelines changed January 1, 2020. Previously, under Nebraska statutes the custodial parent would be responsible for the first $480 of out of pocket medical expenses for each child. Any additional costs would then be allocated between the custodial and non-custodial parent as determined by the court.  Typically, this allocation is based on the parents’ relative incomes.

The changed Guidelines now provide that the non-custodial’s payment obligations will kick in after the first $250 of out of pocket costs (per child) paid by the custodial parent. Thus, the non-custodial parent will begin contributing earlier for out-of-pocket expenses.  So, for example, if your child goes to the emergency room and the non-reimbursed portion of the bill comes to $1,000, $750 of that amount will now be split between the parents based on the proportion specified in the parties’ Decree.  Under the old Guidelines, the custodial parent would have paid $480, and only the remaining $520 would be proportionally split. This change can have a significant impact to both the custodial and non-custodial parent’s expected medical payments, especially if the parties’ have multiple children.

If you are looking for an attorney to assist you in a child support case in the greater Omaha area, contact our office to set up a consultation, (402) 827-7000.


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